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Benefits of Massage

Therapeutic massage provides a number of health and wellness-related benefits. These benefits are delivered in a natural and safe non-invasive method and thus, do not carry the harmful side effects associated with prescribed medications and the many invasive medical procedures used today.

Therapeutic massage is wonderful at enhancing and increasing the number of beneficial processes and functions within the human body.

  • Massage enhances one's state of well-being
  • Massage enhances soft tissue healing
  • Massage increases flexibility & range of motion
  • Massage increases muscle tone
  • Massage increases blood flow
  • Massage increases dopamine & serotonin levels
  • Massage increases and improves lymphatic fluid flow & drainage
  • Massage induces relaxation
  • Massage stimulates the immune system

Similarly, therapeutic massage is extremely effective at reducing and often eliminating a number of uncomfortable and restrictive symptoms and conditions.

  • Massage reduces constipation
  • Massage reduces cortisol levels
  • Massage reduces depression
  • Massage reduces emotional stress
  • Massage reduces joint stiffness
  • Massage reduces muscular tension
  • Massage reduces pain
  • Massage reduces scar tissue formation
  • Massage reduces soft tissue knots and trigger points


AO Scan is a Non-invasive cutting edge technology based on the works of scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Raymond Rife, and many others.

Fundamentally we are made of energy and every cell in the body produces energy or a frequency and vibration. When those are out of balance we feel the effects of that and when they are optimized we feel balanced and have an overall sense of health and well-being. AO scan is safe for everyone.

AO Scan technology is Cutting edge technology in the palm of your hand. Get to know the root cause of issues and have a way to support yourself on your healing journey. AO uses the quantum field to scan your body and find imbalances in your field that need support and then sends you frequencies via the quantum field to bring you back into a state of homeostasis.


The Body is a Miracle Brochure


Magic wand therapy


The magic wand does have contraindications so please be advised there is also an additional waiver to sign. It is not for those with congenital heart disease, open wounds, or any implants of any kind. This does include fillings in the mouth that are of metal. Ceramic is okay. If you are blood thinners this is not safe to use. If you have a pacemaker or cataract surgery it is not safe to use. Any metal implants it is not safe to use. Breast implants it is not safe to use

The magic wand device uses Terahertz, high-quality crystals imbedded and uses quantum entanglement to help replenish cellular energy and penetrates deep up to 4-5 cm it uses IMHZ Bio- RF Magnetic energy, which may improve circulation and stimulates cellular immunity. May help with metabolism, remove waste from the body, and clear toxins. 15 minutes a day is all you need. You must start to slow so there is no excessive detox. 4 glasses of water are to be consumed 2 before and 2 after treatment. Avoid eating, showers, and cold drafts for 4 hours after treatment.